In Fine Frenzy Rolling

With bare hands and brave hearts did we begin, with eyes in “fine frenzy rolling”1 and souls in darkness crawling. And we reached a bright spot however. We thought that a shared dream is an enacted will, a dream fetched already. We believed that an insatiable hunger for reading and learning is all a literature student should have; the rest was a little hope in progress, the possibility of change for better, belief in the power of criticism and research, and teamwork of course.

So we began with passion for a comparative reading of our local literature with the tools and criteria we had obtained as students of English Literature. We have trodden a long path to come to this conclusion, to feel the urge for exploring our own literature and showcasing it to the world, to fill in a little hole of the infinite chasms of Persian Literature by writing about it in an international language.

We know that we are only tattlers in the path of boundless research. “And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown,” we grab our pens as quickly as “the poet’s pen turns them to shape, and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name.” The critic’s magic is to produce meanings as big the object of criticism.


Hails to the Parsagoners!

Keep up with us.

Farzaneh Doosti
Quotes from Shakespeare’s As you Like it
About Farzaneh Doosti 34 Articles

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